Everyone ages the same way
Analysis of the interaction of proteins regulating aging has shown that their functions and changes in their activity during life are very similar in humans and in simple organisms.
19.03.2009Analysis of the interaction of proteins regulating aging has shown that their functions and changes in their activity during life are very similar in humans and in simple organisms.
19.03.2009Obesity is the main cause of the plague of the 21st century, metabolic syndrome – a complex of biochemical, hormonal and clinical pathologies leading to insulin resistance, or type II diabetes mellitus, when insulin is produced in the body, but the cells are not sensitive to it. Numerous pathologies associated with obesity are caused by elevated levels of free fatty acids in the blood.
18.03.2009The main source of energy and carbon for heterotrophic organisms is glucose, but its excess is associated with the aging process, and its lack slows it down. Scientists from the University of Montreal have discovered that life expectancy is influenced not by the metabolic processes occurring with glucose in the cell, but by the cell's feeling of its amount outside.
18.03.2009Different protocols for limiting the diet of C. elegans prolong the life of this organism through different molecular pathways. Knowledge of the relative effectiveness in the fight against senile diseases and the molecular mechanisms of various types of dietary regimens may help in the future in the development of pharmacological drugs to increase life expectancy.
18.03.2009Without the MGAT2 gene, even in conditions of a fatty diet, mice practically did not gain weight, the level of "bad" lipids and cholesterol in the blood increased much less, and the heart, blood vessels, liver and pancreas practically did not suffer from an obese lifestyle.
18.03.2009The consequence of inflation and wage cuts was the health of Russians, the improvement of which can be forgotten in the near future. Leonid Roshal, Director of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, believes that given the recent changes in the economy, "there can be no improvement in the health of the nation in principle. We need to try to maintain the state that we have at the moment."
18.03.2009If you are concerned about how the work of your brain changes with age (and who is not interested?!), then consult with a knowledgeable doctor or other nutrition specialist who will help you choose what is best to take. Below is a list of the main useful supplements and an explanation of why they help.
17.03.2009The first inbred line of mice was obtained in 1909. The Jackson Laboratory is still a leader in the cultivation of laboratory mice: now it annually supplies about two million animals to scientific institutions around the world.
17.03.2009Advanced domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers, having invested considerable sums in R& D and in the modernization of production, began to produce analogues of imported drugs, but local pharmaceutical manufacturers cannot "break through" with their products into public procurement.
17.03.2009As a cell ages, the quality control mechanism of its proteins changes. Researchers from the Institute of Pathological Chemistry at the University of Mainz have identified control proteins that at the molecular level regulate both potential cellular protein degradation pathways - proteasomal and lysosomal.
16.03.2009The tenth anniversary International Forum "High Technologies of the XXI Century" will be held on April 21-24, 2009 in Moscow, at the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre". The Forum will host an international conference "High Technologies – strategy of the XXI century", focused on solving practical problems in the context of the global economic crisis.
16.03.2009The purpose of the conference is to discuss problems related to the creation and characterization of bionanomaterials and the development of technologies based on the use of bionanoconstructions as sensor elements, building blocks for nanoarchitectonics, nanodevices and biologically active compounds of a new generation.
16.03.2009According to WHO, tobacco is the cause of death of every second smoker. In 1990, 35% of all deaths of middle-aged men (35-69 years old) in economically developed countries were caused by smoking. During the twentieth century, tobacco killed about 100 million people – this is more than died in World War II.
16.03.2009Drugs for the prevention and treatment of rhinovirus infections can be divided into four groups: interferons, blockers of cell receptors binding viruses, inhibitors of viral proteases and drugs binding to the capsid of rhinoviruses. Molecular genetic methods can help to obtain new information that can be used to develop drugs against these pathogens.
16.03.2009One of the foundations of the "knowledge economy", based not on production, but on the sale of know-how, is the rapid turnover of knowledge. However, it is not clear how quickly knowledge is ready to "turn around". We will consider this question on a concrete example of the introduction of one of the achievements of fundamental science into life.
13.03.2009The National Institute for Research on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the USA proposed to diagnose "alcoholism" by answering a single question. You can answer it, and if you wish, check out the questionnaire of ten points.
13.03.2009Today it is already clear that the use of stem cells is one of the main directions of modern medicine. And that the simplest, most affordable and cheapest source of them is umbilical cord blood. In Moscow alone, up to 100 thousand babies are born every year, but the umbilical cord blood, whose cells could save lives, is simply destroyed. And by country?
12.03.2009Russia was visited by the most shocking gerontologist of the planet Aubrey de Grey. Who is he, a troublemaker of scientific tranquility? How "crazy" (quote from British newspapers) a mathematician, a certified programmer turned into a gerontologist with world fame?
12.03.2009Germany spends 2.5% of GDP on science (EU countries average 1.8%). According to the German Ministry of Education and Research, even with an eye to the crisis, scientific research in most areas will not be curtailed, and budget funding will not be cut. It is even possible to provide additional financing for the implementation of new technologies.
12.03.2009Phobias, post-traumatic syndrome and other diseases associated with a panic state can be eased with the help of medications that regulate blood pressure.
12.03.2009You can write to the editor at:
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